Louisiana State Board of Private Investigator Examiners

*** NOTICE ***
License Fee Changes Starting September 2024
Due to the rising cost of doing business and to continue to provide the level of service required by the state, the Board recently sought a modest increase to its licensing and exam fees. The Board does not receive any financial support from the state; therefore, it must generate its own revenue. The last rate increase was in 2007.

During the last legislative session, Act No. 478 was signed into law and will go into effect September 1, 2024. The Act will increase the cost of each license by $50.

The following list shows the fees that were changed and the new amount:

Licensing Fees – Total fees
  • Agency 393.00
  • Journeyman 393.00
  • Individual 243.00
  • Apprentice $243.00
Renewing Fees
  • Agency $300.00
  • Journeyman $300.00
  • Individual $150.00
Exam Fees
  • Exam $100.00
  • Exam Retake $50.00

*All other fees will remain the same

Continuing Education

Effective January 1st, 2017 ALL private investigators licensed with the State of Louisiana SHALL be required to complete an on-line investigative educational instruction course designed and approved by the LSBPIE EVERY TWO YEARS in order to qualify for a license renewal. The approved on-line investigative educational course will be available through the LSBPIE website at a cost of $100.

Please review our Continuing Education  section within the page Course Schedule for further information.

State of Louisiana Court of Appeal First Circuit

The following link will take you to the First Circuits ruling on Scott C. Frank VS LSBPIE

Notice - Incomplete/Incorrect paperwork will be returned and charged a $20.00 processing fee

Application Acceptance Times

The Board Office will only accept applications Monday through Thursday from 8:00am to 10:30am and 12:30pm to 2:00pm

LA Law on Tracking Devices

Please read Louisiana's R.S. 14:323 that details the use of tracking devices.

Training Manuals

Training manuals can be purchased, by check or money order, in the office for $50 or by mail for $65.

Act 2018-655

In compliance with Act 2018-655, the Board gives notice to its licensees and applicants of how to file a complaint about a board action or board procedure.

Please review R.S. 37:23.2 for further information

Misappropriation / Fraud

In compliance with RS 24.523.1, the Board requests you read the revised statute on reporting the misappropriation of public funds or assets.

Please use the following document to report the perceived fraud
Reporting Fraud

Sexual Harassment Policy

Louisiana State Board of Private Investigator Examiners Policy on Sexual Harassment